Thursday, February 19, 2009

As the cold snowy wind blows outside, my heart is dreaming of spring. Soon the rose shrubs will be bursting with blossoms and before the blooms fade, I want you to gather the items needed to prepare this wonderful fragrant water.

Rosewater can be used in the bath, (1cup), hot tub or as a splash after bathing . Floral waters tone and clear the skin, and act as a hydrating agents, and help to normalize the acid balance of the skin.
2 Cups distilled water
1/4 cup vodka
1 large clear and clean container
2 cups fragrant rose petals
In your very clean container fill with rose petals 3/4 of the way full. If you want to ingest your rosewater make sure your rose petals were organically grown. Pour the water in until it covers the petals completely. Once your water is in, add your Vodka. Put on your lid and shake it up a little to make sure the ingredients mix completely. Place in the sun and wait about two weeks. The water will start to turn in a few days. Strain out the rose petals through a coffee filter and presto your have made your very own rose water. Please note: The unscented vodka will kill any bacteria on the petals and the alcohol prolongs the scent. Store in the refrigerator use within two weeks If fragrance is not strong enough add a few drops rose oil.

In a attractive bottle blend 1/2 rosewater and 1/2 vegetable glycerin (available from any drug store). Shake well and it’s ready to use. Great for hands, face, rough elbows

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