Lavender Honey Ice Cream
The vodka helps with easier scooping.
•4 cups lite half and half milk
•1 vanilla bean, split
•6 egg yolks
•1 cup packed brown sugar •3 tablespoons lavender honey (Click link to buy lavender honey)
•1/4 teaspoon salt
•2 T. Vodka
1. In a medium pan, heat the half & half milk and vanilla bean to simmer. Do not boil. In a mixing bowl, whisk together the egg yolks, brown sugar, lavender honey, and salt until light colored and frothy. While whisking constantly, slowly combine the hot milk with the egg mixture. Transfer the mixture back to the sauce pan. Cook over medium heat until mixture reaches 180 degrees Fahrenheit, when tested with a candy thermometer, or becomes thick enough to coat the back of a metal spoon. Remove from heat.
2. Remove the vanilla bean from the mixture and reserve. Strain custard into a large bowl. Scrape seeds from the vanilla bean into the custard, add the Vodka. Cover the surface of the custard with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 4 hours.
3. When cold, freeze in an ice cream maker according to the manufacturer's
4. Optional: Sprinkle with fresh English Lavender Buds.
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