Saturday, September 26, 2009

My Scientific Experience Crock Pot Yogurt

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1/2 gallon pasteurized milk make sure it is not ultra-pasteurized
1/2c active culture plain yogurt as your starter
thick beach towel or blanket

Turn crockpot on low. Add milk; cover & cook on low for 2-1/2 hours
Unplug crock-pot. Keep lid on, and completely wrap crock-pot in large thick towel or blanket for insulation, let sit for another 3 hours.
At the end of 3 hours, in a small bowl, whisk 1/2 cup active culture plain yogurt with 2 cup of the milk from the crock-pot and return to crock-pot.
Keeping crockpot unplugged, completely re-wrap in heavy beach towel.
Allow covered for another 8 to 10 hours.
Yogurt will have thickened but will be watery. Now you simply ladle yogurt into a paper coffee filter within a fine wire mesh strainer and allow to drain into a bowl into the bowl for about 30 minutes. Store in a plastic covered container and will stay fresh for 7 to 10 days.
My breakfast consist of a squirt of sugar free maple syrup and homemade low fat granola.
I have used honey or stevia to sweeten, fresh fruit, jam and fruit extracts to flavor. If you want a smoother yogurt give a whorl in the blender.
Always keep keep a a bit yogurt for your next batch.
If you like a thicker yogurt like greek simple allow to drain longer and for yogurt cheese strain over night in the fridge.

1 comment:

Cindy Wears Many Hats said...

Thank you so much for this post. I have been wanting to make my own Yogurt, I will keep you posted to progress